Body types and Personality Steven Kessler, Wilhelm Reich, & Ken Dychtwald

Steven Kessler is a psychotherapist and author who developed a theory of five personality patterns,🍄

Think the world is getting worse? here’s some facts that might change your mind

Although it seems to most people these days that the world is going a downward🍄

What is Mobility Training?

Mobility is a term that is often used in the context of physical fitness and🍄

Do Magic Mushrooms Show Up on a Drug Test?

The short answer is no. This is because no standard drug screens approved by SAMHSA, the🍄

The difference between stretching & Wаrm-Up

Wаrm-up exercises аnd stretching аre а vitаl component underestimаted of every fitness routine. Unfortunately, both🍄

How to practice a daily handstand routine?

In order to master handstands and hand balance in general you need to eventually practice🍄

The Art of Standing Upside Down

Have you ever wonder why you get bored at the gym with standard weight lifting.🍄

Do you have to go to a gym to gain muscle mass?

There are many myths surrounding muscle growth and what is necessary to gain muscle mass.🍄

Is getting fit from swimming a good idea?

We all know that swimming is good for the body, the cardiovascular system, the back,🍄

Comparing the top Topical pain relief for sport enthusiasts

Top 10 Muscle & joint pain relief brands for athletes CBD MEDIC CBDMEDIC products contain🍄

Living with atrial fibrillation – Few expert tips for patients

Do you have atrial fibrillation or Afib? If yes, you’re not alone as this is🍄

CBD is Gaining Acceptance in Sports

Most athletes, both professional and amateur, will face pain and inflammation at some point in🍄

Ido portal Movement London real movie review

Opening monologue quotes by Brian from London Ido Portal documentary: Quote: “I don’t know about🍄