Maslow Hierarchy of needs and the chakra system
Maslow Hierarchy of needs and the chakra system

Understanding the connection between Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the chakra system can be beneficial for many different reasons:

  • Deeper understanding of human needs and development. By understanding the different levels of needs that must be met in order to achieve self-actualization or spiritual enlightenment, we can better understand the root causes of our own struggles and those of others. This can help us to empathize with others, and to find ways to support and assist those who are struggling.
  • Beneficial for personal growth and development. By identifying which level of needs we are currently focused on and which chakra may be blocked, we can take steps to address any issues that may be holding us back. This can help us to overcome obstacles and to achieve our full potential.
  • Helps professions such as therapy, counseling, coaching, or healing. By understanding the different levels of needs and the chakra system, practitioners can help clients to identify and address underlying issues that may be preventing them from achieving their goals.
  • Spiritual and personal development. By understanding the different levels of spiritual development, we can take steps to move along the path towards spiritual enlightenment.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology that describes the basic human needs that must be met in order to achieve self-actualization, which is the highest level of psychological development.

The five levels of needs in Maslow’s hierarchy are:

  1. Physiological Needs: These are the basic needs for survival such as food, water, shelter, and clothing. Without these basic needs being met, a person cannot move on to the next level.
  2. Safety Needs: Once physiological needs are met, people have a need for safety and security. This includes needs for physical safety, as well as emotional and financial security. People need to feel safe in their environment and have a sense of stability in their lives.
  3. Love and Belonging Needs: After safety needs are met, people have a need to form relationships and connections with others. People have a need for love, affection, and companionship. They also have a need to belong to a group or community.
  4. Esteem Needs: After love and belonging needs are met, people have a need for self-esteem and respect from others. This includes the need for self-esteem, self-respect, and the respect of others. People need to feel good about themselves and feel confident in their abilities.
  5. Self-Actualization Needs: The highest level of needs is self-actualization. This includes the need to become all that one can be and to reach one’s full potential. People have a need to fulfill their potential, to be creative, and to grow as a person.

On the other hand, the chakra system is an ancient Indian spiritual concept that describes the different energy centers in the body.


Similarities between the Seven Chakras and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the chakra system are both frameworks that describe different levels of human needs, development, and consciousness.

Both frameworks organize needs and development into a hierarchical structure, with the most basic needs at the bottom and more advanced needs at the top. In Maslow’s hierarchy, the needs are physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization. The chakra system’s needs are related to survival, security, power, love, communication, intuition, and spiritual connection.

Both frameworks also suggest that progress in one level is a prerequisite for progress in the next level. For example, in Maslow’s hierarchy, a person must have their physiological and safety needs met before they can move on to seeking love and belonging. Similarly, in the chakra system, a person must have a strong foundation in the first (survival) before moving on to the second (security).

Additionally, both frameworks suggest that when a person cannot meet their needs at a certain level, it can negatively affect their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

The Seven Main Chakras and Their Connection to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

The connection between Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and the chakra system is not directly correlated. Still, there are some similarities between the needs described in the two frameworks and the chakras.

There are seven chakras in total, each associated with different aspects of human consciousness and development. They are:

  • Muladhara (Root) Chakra: This chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with survival and grounding. It governs the basic needs for physical survival, such as food, water, and shelter, which relates to Maslow’s physiological needs.
  • Svadhisthana (Sacral) Chakra: This chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is associated with emotions, sexuality, and creativity. It governs the needs for security, stability, and emotional balance, which relates to Maslow’s safety needs.
  • Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra: This chakra is located in the upper abdomen and is associated with power, self-esteem, and personal will. It governs the needs for self-esteem, self-respect, and respect from others, which relates to Maslow’s esteem needs.
  • Anahata (Heart) Chakra: This chakra is located in the heart and is associated with love, compassion, and relationships. It governs the need for love, affection, and companionship, which relates to Maslow’s need for love and belonging.
  • Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra: This chakra is located in the throat and is associated with communication and self-expression. It governs the needs for communication, self-expression, and the ability to express oneself effectively, which could be related to Maslow’s esteem needs.
  • Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra: This chakra is located on the forehead and is associated with intuition, insight, and spiritual connection. It governs the need for intuition, insight, and the ability to see beyond the physical realm, which could be related to Maslow’s self-actualization needs.
  • Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra: This chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with spiritual enlightenment and connection to a higher power. It governs the need for spiritual fulfillment, understanding of the ultimate reality, and self-actualization, which relates to Maslow’s self-actualization needs, but has no specific need according to Maslow.


If we take the similarities for each need according to the chakra, it sums up to this:

Physiological Needs (Root Chakra – Muladhara)

These are the most basic needs, including food, water, sleep, and other bodily functions. It corresponds to the Root Chakra, associated with grounding and survival instincts.

Safety Needs (Sacral Chakra – Svadhisthana)

Once physiological needs are met, safety needs become important and noticeable to the individual. These include personal security, health, and financial security. The Sacral Chakra is associated with emotions, creativity, and sexuality, which can be linked to personal security and well-being.

Love and Belonging Needs (Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura)

After safety needs are met, social needs such as love, friendship, and a sense of belonging become important. The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with personal power, will, and autonomy, which can be linked to the confidence to form and maintain social relationships.

Esteem Needs (Heart Chakra – Anahata)

This level of needs includes self-esteem, respect, and recognition. The Heart Chakra is associated with love, compassion, and empathy, which can be linked to self-esteem and respect from others.

Self-Actualization Needs (Throat Chakra – Vishuddha)

This is the need to realize one’s full potential and seek personal growth and self-fulfillment. The Throat Chakra is associated with communication and expression, which can be linked to the expression of one’s unique identity and purpose.

Transcendence Needs (Third Eye Chakra – Ajna)

This is the need to connect with something beyond the ego or to help others achieve self-actualization. The Third Eye Chakra is associated with intuition, insight, and enlightenment, which can be linked to a broader understanding of oneself and the world.